Subculture Magazine focusing on creatives from marginalized communities such as: the LGBTQIA+ community, People of Color, Women, the Disabled, the Neurodivergent, and beyond.

Issue No. 4 Now Available

Happy Valentine’s Day! Celebrate with the latest issue of FANE. Issue No. 4 Cover: Foxtrot Echo of COUM TransmissionsFeatures: Hot Rat Summer (Art/Photography), David Müller (Photography), Klovis Gaynor & The Urinal Cakes (Music), Iman Essiet (Music/Design), Snowbeasts (Music), “This Is…

dog scream “Clean, Safe, and Big Machines”

dog scream“Clean, Safe, and Big Machines”May 2024, Self Released | dog scream is the experimental electronic project of Christsburg, Virginia based duo The Mummer and Little Devil Doubt. They self describe as “Cloacal Oneiric Noise”, which is a better…

Glitched Out With Manuel J. Perez III

Manuel J. Perez III, an interdisciplinary artist and experimental performer based out of the northeastern USA, began Death Rattled in 2019. Their artistic work has been shared internationally (Turkey, Germany, Canada, etc.) within the bland white walls of institutions such…

”It’s Time To Reshuffle This Acronym!”

An open letter to the greater queer community, haphazardly but passionately written by R.T. Ferent: a 40-something, married, gay, cisgender, white man with the absolute best of intentions in his heart. This is dedicated with all of my love to…

Issue No. 3 Available Now

It took far longer than I’d like to admit (cursed AuDHD Burnout), but it’s our biggest issue yet, coming in at a whopping 160 Pages! That’s double the pages of Issue No. 1! We were so very lucky to get…

Drown in Sound with Seattle’s Death Spa

Death Spa is a Hardcore Noise Rock Trio coming out of Seattle WA featuring Mia Rose Malone on Guitar/Vox, Levi Fuller on Bass/Backing Vox, and Jonathan Rodriguez on Drums. We recently corresponded through email about their influences, horror movies, the…

Issue No. 2 Now Available

Issue No. 2 is now available for download or purchase. 110 Pages (that’s almost 40% more than Issue No. 1!). On the cover: Derek Jarman Contents:Art and/or Interviews with Xayla Kia Daisy, Maria Iolanda, Tomasz C., Pain Chain, Plaguehorse, Death…

Queer Noise Terror Vol. 1 Available Now.

The inaugural volume of Queer Noise Terror is finally here. Featured are 30 underground LGBTQIA+ artists showcasing the more abrasive and subversive sides of queer music and culture. Circuit party anthems have been traded in for circuit bending experimentation here…

Cruel Diagonals Perfect Vocal Collage on “Fractured Whole”

Cruel Diagonals “Fractured Whole”

Cruel Diagonals is the multimedia experimental electronic music project of classically trained vocalist Megan Mitchell. For her ninth studio release, “Fractured Whole”, Mitchell utilizes her powerful voice as the source for all instrumentation to quite dramatic effect. Fractured Whole by…