dog scream
“Clean, Safe, and Big Machines”
May 2024, Self Released | dog-scream.bandcamp.com
dog scream is the experimental electronic project of Christsburg, Virginia based duo The Mummer and Little Devil Doubt. They self describe as “Cloacal Oneiric Noise”, which is a better overall description than I could come up with. If you enjoy all of the left turns experimental and extreme music genres provide, strap in cuz “Clean, Safe, and Big Machines” is gonna be a “fun” ride.
“7:(OTHER)” and “Intentionally Left Blank” bring in the heavy digital hardcore with streaks of “Birdseed” era Whitehouse thrown in to keep everyone on their toes. It’s abrasive, but you can dance to it. “Ceaseless Discharge” hits with some musique concrete playfully lobbed around atmospheres of building distortion and noise. “Apparition Spin” comes in as a chamber music heart-string piece before shifting into anxious minimal electronics with low, distorted, and almost growling vocals.
“EVP” is a creeper. I know I’m not hearing distressed children, but the distortion, frequency flutters, and impenetrable vocals sure make it sound that way. “Spider Value Pack” literally hits, with lots of metal percussion and blasts of steam-like noise. Incredibly reminiscent of the early UK Industrial scene. Then “Instar” comes through and brings us back into a more modern version of extreme electronics. Made me think of early Alice Glass. “Secrets Can Kill” continues that vibe, but the duetting vocals are more akin to that of Hanin Elias and Alec Empire.
This all caps off with the heftily titled “Mr. Gauntry refused to go back inside and identify the remains; it could not be established whether they were those of Professor LeClerc, or of a heretofore unknown third party…”, which is a narrative piece recited over a bed of lamenting piano, minimal electronics, and field recordings. It manages to be both calming and unsettling in its delivery and is the perfect choice to close out the album.
The band is offering a limited run of the album on reclaimed/recycled cassettes. I can only imagine any phantom sounds left over from the previous recordings would enhance the ghostlike atmospheres already in play. Plus, they look really nice. Buy now or cry later.